Monday, January 23, 2012

/// stray girls always fall on their feet

A lovely handmade present from Arrate, sent from the past to the Angel who lives in the future, strung on periwinkle thread and weaved with wishes of friends and love in every corner of the world, a reminder to never forget all the light inside and to keep on loving.

"Lots of love from Bilbo, where as you know, nothing is the same without your eyes to look at it, and laughter to echo around."

Sunday, January 22, 2012

/// about that promise

hwasser - about that promise
pure bliss.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

/// in the beginning

Houd maar goeden moed als het soms eens moeielijk is, dat komt later alles terecht, en niemand kan in het begin doen wat hij wel zou willen.

Be of good heart if things sometimes get difficult, everything will come right later on, and no one can do what he really wants in the beginning.

Br. 1990: 004 | CL: 4
From: Vincent van Gogh
To: Theo van Gogh
Date: The Hague, Tuesday, 28 January 1873

/// vincent and theo

"I'm reading a fictional biography of Van Gogh and I realized   something: one can fail miserably several times. But one can get   back on one's feet again. But in order to do this, one has to have an idea of what one wants and one has to have somebody who believes in you. That's what happened to Van Gogh. His brother Theo always had faith in him."

 /// Letter from a friend, March 2009.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

/// saints

(Artwork: Caspar David Friedrich, Meadows near Greifswald, 1821-1822)