Wednesday, June 17, 2009

/// lo bueno nunca acaba si hay algo que te lo recuerda

plentzia, 18:30. the last time i will see the sea of cantabria for a long time. alternating wind, sun, shade, dusk, sea diamonds. we listened to lali puna's faking the books as i breathed in the sea air. and i felt it again, just like how it felt like in zambales... wrapped all together in one gulp of air: magic and love and dreams and wishing and knowing that everything is as it should be and that everything else that will follow will also be like that. breathe in and out: wish for love, and love will be given to you. 

i'm going to seize this. i'm going to live inside, over and all throughout these moments. this is my life, now, and i am happy. i love you, you, you. i love you bilbao, i love you manila, i love you stockholm, and i love you whatever place is coming for me next.  because i've learned (FINALLY) that i could be happy ANYWHERE. you thought you could only be happy in this one square meter of space, only to realize that it unfolds and stretches and extends itself to an unknown limit: happiness knows no bounds. especially not geographic. INSANE! i had to go through some difficult things to realize that, and i was lucky enough to bump into super wonderful surprises along the way. could you run into could you run into could you go and run into me?

(see, i had to study euroculture! i had to suffer for my papers and presentations! otherwise there would be no reason to go to the library. :)

"lo bueno nunca acaba si hay algo que te lo recuerda" says the spanish beer commercial with the swedish band playing in the music video. "the good times never end if there is something to remember it." and i have, like fifty!

i have polaroids: arrate looking like pop-eye, simon screaming through that orange pedestrian cone thing at zubizuri, b doing handstands like always. i have that toy truck we picked up that last night in artxanda. the cocktail mixer that you saved for me at the sheraton. a tissue paper from a bar in mundaka, my favorite, glorious weekend. a cd. i could save smells too: the smell of sunscreen, of muesli in the morning, of black t-shirts. the smell of grass mixed with bloc party and fleet foxes. i have infinite hours of songs. i have all these words, words that don't always seem to capture what i have exactly felt and seen... and if all these is not enough, i will always have you. and i will carry you in my heart wherever i may go.

this is the struggle: to never forget and always remember. 

long live our days in bilbao!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

because i've learned (FINALLY) that i could be happy ANYWHERE


can't wait to see you again!
