Sunday, July 20, 2008

06.19.2008 First sight.

Arlanda airport. It didn't feel real walking here - it was midnight, no one was around save for a few late night passengers and the door was open. It was wide open for me.

Everything was falling into place and it was happening so easily. I bought tickets to the second to the last trip of the Arlanda Express (20 minutes to the city!) which is perfect because Filip would be working at the Central Station and we could meet. I saw my first view of Sweden - a night sky, yellow street lamps, suburban buildings flashing by me. I am here, I AM HERE.

The whole time I was there, that thought really couldn't sink in but at the same time, I could feel everything and I could feel very much that I was there, walking the streets, buying things, talking to friends. I think it's like that - you can never be really aware of it because you are too busy being in the moment, BEING THERE.

STOCKHOLM C. I looked for the Pizza Hut where Filip said he would meet me. There were orange booths in the middle of the station and I sat on one of the tables. There were drunks talking on the phone, teenagers talking furiously with one another, and a janitor cleaning up, ready to call it a night. And suddenly, "Surprise!" and Filip was standing behind me with his arms open. We hugged and I told him that I couldn't believe I was here. "Do you want something to eat?" "Yes. Where?" "The only thing I know open is 7-Eleven."

We went to the 7-Eleven, he bought hotdogs and a Coke. I finally saw all the Yalla Yougarts, Wasa sandwiches and Bramhults juices that I've been hearing so much of and it made me so happy!

Vasagatan. Filip only had a thirty minute break but he still walked with me towards my hostel, as far as his break could take him. I took a taxi the rest of the way because I wasn't entirely sure where I was going. Upplandsgatan, the hostel, reception, a door code, a dark room with six people already sleeping, a girl who arrived the same time as me, toothbrush, pajamas, top bunk, sleeping and not sleeping. Good night, Sweden.

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