Tuesday, November 10, 2009

/// the kind that lasts forever

If you know me well, you would know what my greatest weakness or fatal flaw is, the one that has something to do with my greatest fear as well.

I want the moment to last forever, and for me there will never be time enough. "Good bye" does not register in my brain and does not exist in my own vocabulary. There are no periods, just long drawn-out ... And firm beliefs, keeping promises and a steadfast core that believes love will win in the end hold it all together. The pen, my camera and my nose are weapons against forgetting, against time. And words, always words. It is a constant struggle, but I don't think there's any other way for me (is there?).

Secretly, I believe there is a way to circumvent the biggest Good Bye, and if you know me well, you would know what that is too.


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