Friday, January 08, 2010

/// two second videos that will last forever

running through trees, faery lights in the distance. kids with masks of dogs. a baroque opera love. climbing up, up, up and away. you will never break my heart again.

this has nothing and everything to do with you.

boy lilikoi, i will find you. you are out there i swear. why do i swear on things i have never, and will never, have control of? love is my salvation, and also, the end of me. but who cares who cares who cares. this is what i live for, and nothing else, and that's how it will be.

kiss me?

for days i have been pointing imaginary fingers at you: how can you do this to me. how can you date someone else so easily, so fast. how can you forget about me?


think of...

jonsi's boy lilikoi. epo-555. what an incredible day for music. it's like i turned a corner, and all my favorite songs of the future are all there waiting for me with open arms. all of them.

and everything all around you that is happening now: oh see, you're in the middle of it all. i smiled at a construction worker on the way to the library. friends call me in the morning. to go furniture shopping. carrying heavy second hand tables on long corridors, laughing and hurting my swine-flu vaccinated arm. fresh pasta by the window overlooking siberia and exchanging presents. running in the snow. coca cola conspiracy and betrayal at the myrorna. pizza parties in the nights, chocolate and marshmallow.

the top floor of the thielska galleriet, where munch was waiting for me.

two second videos.

two second videos that will last forever.

someday, i will find something that will last forever.

this is not me moving on. you know i love you. this is me, having a good day for once. this is me saying: i am almost sure of it, someday maybe sooner than we think, you will regret it. how can you turn your back on a love like this? i can almost smell it, taste it. the love of an opera. a baroque opera that will last forever.


think of a distant land, where snow covers the ground. a boy and a white moonlight. photos against the wall. murakami words, flowing with rhythm. marmalade jars and same favorite candies. dreams of road trips in the spring and yellow pink and black jumpsuits. a boat to finland and dancing to strobe lights. scribbly childish handwriting and death star libraries. think of a distant land, where snow covers the ground.

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