Tuesday, May 31, 2011

/// time will fly upon my baby's back

I get weak
I get weary
I miss sleep
I get moody
I'm in thoughts
I write songs
I'm in love
I walk on

Here's to all the places that I've left. Here's to String Cafe in the dusk, cold winter tears and finding a friend. Here's to the everlasting fields of Fryslan. Here's to Twiggy bar in Bilbao and frapuccino friendships. Here's to Utrecht and running in the rain, dancing with one hand up. Here's to Shirazz and french fries and shandy. Here's to the top floor of ATW in Goettingen. Here's to the public library and blue evenings and Vampire Lounge. Here's to Tradgarden and summer and a Sunday afternoon in the park. Here's to bike rides from Kaneleneiland to Utrect. Here's to Sinterklaas and TV sets. Here's to Wageningen and long walks across empty fields. Here's to Telefonplan and ferries to Finland. Here's to Nacka and to Ostermalm. Here's to a winter corner in Sodermalm, a car full of things, a Snickers bar and a drive to Oslo. Here's to all the suitcases and all the empty rooms I looked back at.

But it only means that there will be new places.
And I will see you there.

The time is always now and yet to come.

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