Monday, August 08, 2011

/// it's just a wish, squirrel.

Dear squirrel,
There’s sure to be a big cake on your birthday. May I, just this once, eat
the whole thing by myself?
A honey cake, preferably.
Everyone can watch.
I’ll wolf it down in style, like nobody’s ever done before. They’ll all clap
and cheer, I promise.
After that we can carry on as usual (singing Happy Birthday,
unwrapping presents, dancing, getting ready to leave, saying how much
fun it was, asking who’s birthday is next, etc.).
It’s just a wish, squirrel.
The bear

Dear bear,
Okay. But in that case I’ll make two cakes.
The squirrel

Dear squirrel,
Thanks for your letter. But once I start eating and everyone’s clapping
and cheering me on, you won’t mind if Ieat the other cake too, will you?
They’ll be so impressed with my performance that they’ll jump up and
down for joy. And croak and chirp and hiss… I’m sure they will. It’ll be
an unforgettable birthday. Especially if you make three cakes. I’m sure
of it, squirrel: three big cakes. And if they’re honey cakes, make four.
The bear

Toon Tellegen, Brieven aan niemand anders

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