Monday, June 08, 2009

*** frapee black and chocolate cake

Hej! It's Arrate speaking. Angel is too lazy to write anything now. And she's also too busy eating and covering her teeth with chocolate. Phillypijnan style (-> I'm leaving it that way)

She's also embarrassing me all day - probably not new for any of you, dear readers. Screaming and jumping and laughing and repeating loudly Spanish expressions in front of the people who say them (e.g. Coffee Break cashiers or comic book shop owners).

She just told me she loves the Basque tissues that say "Eskerrik asko etortzeagatik" (Thank you for coming), which is by the way what I'll tell her when she leaves the country.

Now that she's not watching, let me tell you one thing. Bilbao would have been so many hundreds of times more boring and horrible if she had not shown up. She thinks the Basque Country is green and awesome. Well, it's green. But a great part of the awesomeness vanishes when the awesome people leave it.

I'm talking silly now. So I'll leave now, and finish my piece of cake.

Honoured to be your guest blogger.

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