Sunday, June 07, 2009

/// we make a pah-ty, we go to portugal(ete). NAT!!!

because my number 1 dutch is not around, i had to suffice to hanging out with number 2. haha saint simon and i went to portugal(ete) today. the basque country is killing me with its beauty. death and hypochondria were the subjects of the day. and also, divorce. haha it sounds so grim, but we were just laughing all the time. i saw the highest bridge i've ever seen, prettier than the eiffel tower. there was the sea, and the cranes that i love so much. the cranes in pais vasco are like dinosaurs don't you think? in sweden, they are more like T's. there was a street with portugal-in-my-mind, a cable crossing ride where the creditrans work, crazy screaming kids dressed for a wedding with a weird mickey mouse babysitter and a GASTRONOMY FAIR with lots of cookies!!! "do you eat 23 hours per day?"

i can't believe people swarm all over rome, barcelona and paris when you have this... middle-earth place. and maybe it's a good thing that they don't know about it. more space for me and the dutch and the basques to make a pah-ty! germans say make, dutch say build! let's build a party! NOT!

good times just continue and continue and continue. this is not good bye. i will carry you in my heart wherever i may go.

and we will live!

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