Wednesday, September 16, 2009

/// the embassy

I listened to Belle and Sebastian's Act of the Apostle I while going to work today. It was my first day as an intern at the Embassy. The Diplomatic Corps. "Ohhh, if I could make sense of it all. I wish that I could sing, I'd stay in the melody. I would float along in my everlasting song." Out of nowhere, the most blessed view: walking from Slussen to Gamla Stan at 9:28 a.m. The sun reflecting on the lake, the boats quietly gliding by. People holding coffee and morning papers, gracefully rushing across the bridge, the water from the sea flowing through the lock (SLUSSEN) to the lake, gushing, running, moving.

I was suddenly aware of where I am, and what I've done. I'm in Sweden, I'm standing by my favorite view of the water and the sun, I'm on my way to the Embassy.  These were all past dreams, but I'm standing on top of them nonetheless, right? Angel, you are stronger than you think you are.

You can break through these emotions, you can go through it alone even if it hurts, you can find new dreams and you will be there and you will be happy. Will love find you even if you just stand still?  Chuck Bass stood outside his limo and said, "You are right."

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