Monday, August 16, 2010

/// different colors of sunshine

From my university yearbook write-up, four years ago:

Angela Anne S. Trinidad AB European Studies

She’s someone you’d never forget, for Angel (w/ pink Chucks & purple backpack) is always present; dancing, moving, swirling in our thoughts, around & through our souls. An honest person, she is not afraid to tell how she feels and whom she has feelings for. She boldly declares her love for Coke, Sbarro, Ken Zhu and the boy who looks like an elf. Angel’s a star; she could outshine anyone. Her dynamic aura and enchanting personality has won her an endless list of friends. She fills the hallways with her contagious laughter and a vivacity that never fails to lift up anyone. Yet, she could still disarm you with the depth in her words. She perceives the beauty in the most mundane things and can spot different colors of sunshine. She constantly changes but remains the same. A girl with true courage, a dreamer, a wanderlust, she believes in magic, in elves and in love. She is the epitome of an ethereal creature stuck in this lonely but hopeful world. Angel has an empire to build, and the greatest love story to write.

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