Wednesday, August 18, 2010

/// you are enough

Nothing beats seeing someone you love again after a long time. I missed Mardin! I was like a little child waiting for Santa Claus at KTH, hanging around by the window when he said he'll be there in 5. When I saw him, I ran and gave him a long hug and told him I missed him. We got some coffee at Stories and it felt like winter again ("...Only it is summer! HA HA!"), those nights studying late at the library. We sat outside at the courtyard making fun of the new students ("Hi new students!"), updating each other, and eating Italian dark chocolate biscuits. He brought a paprika all the way from Germany so he could make a sandwich. He still had his boarding pass in his pocket, he went straight there from the airport. He looked around for Axel, and I said "But I'm here! Am I not enough?" and he pulled me to him and held me. "You are enough, you are enough." And I think that is one of my favorite moments ever.

Nothing beats sitting down with your best friend and just... being there with him.

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