Wednesday, October 13, 2010

/// first night

Koen took this picture, Mark and him comparing their android phones' respective fancy picture apps. I was woozy with red wine. First night, Utrecht, the city led by your hands. This was the day I came, the heart and the trams and seeing you! I remember sitting by the trams, bursting with anticipation, letting the setting sun warm my face. Looking everywhere, and when I wasn't looking, suddenly, there you were! Walking, crossing the bicycle warpaths, the Dom and the Lord of the Rings magic illusion! We had some really spicy chicken. Piri piri fail! A secret place by the canal. Then Koen came with his bicycle. We went to 't Oude Pothuys, got some wine and tripples. Musse called. Then the pictures and laughing and bliss! Then catching the train to Arnhem. <3

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