Saturday, March 28, 2009

/// art after dark

i haven't had this much fun in a long, long time! 

laughing so much that i had to punch arrate's arm, classic. everyone was shocked! haha i really cannot get over that hitting-my-friends thing whenever i am laughing so hard, everytime i do it here in europe, people get so shocked. haha anyway, now they tease me for being so violent when i get happy. "YOU'RE SO FUNNY!" *SLAP!* "OH I'M SO HAPPY!" *POW!* "OH IT'S SO GREAT!" *KICK!* dancing inside the guggenheim. the murakami exhibition that made me so happy! watermelons and kaikai's secret. vodkatonic. the now europe-famous "apir!"running INSIDE pieces of art, imagining that it was the scary pan's labyrinth monster who's chasing us! QUE FUERTE!

ang baliw niya no? aww miss ko na maging super baliw. kitsieeeeeee.

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