Wednesday, March 25, 2009

/// kafesne bat mesedez!

my "from sweden with love" presentation was a disaster. well not really, but i was so completely nervous i was fumbling with words and i didn't really do justice to my supposed to be really good presentation. i mean, it was a topic so close to my heart and i really prepared for it, but i blew it because i was so nervous. i really feel disappointed and embarrassed about it. jezuz.

but it was really good to finally meet joseba! sometimes all you need is a good conversation, coffee (kafesne bat mesedez!) and the setting sun. i have never met anyone so angry with bridges, buildings and trams! hahaha walking by the canal, apartments in campo volantin, "what are you rich?", the secrets and magic of the basque people, the civil war and crossing bridges, coward people, the guggenheim and spanish tourists, airports and hotels like songs. it's different in real life. feeling better.

now for napolitanas and kaffe latte. maybe some millenium again for tonight (ignoring school), i think i may be able to finish it. i love just drowning myself in kalle blomqvist and lisbeth salander's world. first of all, it's in stockholm. it feels so real because i know almost every street corner and every little detail (like billy's pizza, or where exactly millenium's office is, and lundagatan!). and mosebacke 9. and because i feel so much for lisbeth and micke. and sometimes a life or death thriller involving giant thugs, three million kronor and russian spies feels so much more solveable (?) than real-life school worries, far-away dreams and dormant loved ones.

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