Monday, April 13, 2009

/// mycket mycket fint dag!

meeting simone for brunch at string in nytorgsgatan. i love that place, only good things happen there. aesthetics - home - being yourself. everything has turned out okay up to this point, so why can't the future be the same? you are living in the dream NOW. put things in perspective.

looking out the window, and seeing the boy in the bike. and knowing what i want.

sitting in the sun at vitabergsparken, talking about love and pretty/ugly clothes and big dogs that are kind. "you cannot fool us with your pretty clothes!" you can never really tell a person from his/her clothes. he may be the most boring person on earth (i know one) or he may be able to fight a bear and save your life (i know one). how inner peace isn't as simple as boom! inner peace! but separate days, a nice time, laying in the sun, enjoying yourself in the moment... and each day would pass and many days will pass and you will learn and then... inner peace, without you even knowing it, maybe. fosho.

and ice cream in skanegatan. and walking simone back to centralen. wandering aim-fully to find a nice lake and some woods. finding myself in vällingby and hässelby strand, the end line! haha sunset, the lake, seagulls, indian food, reading the brothers lionheart. calling stefan, sooo nice!

hallunda, and listening to records with charles. and finding lovely emails!

and in string! bumping into this absolutely lovely boy from the party in lappis the other day and smiling and saying hello and saying our names and saying good bye. but he is gay. but that doesn't mean he couldn't make me happy at that moment. haha! :) so cute!! simone said she will name his son after him. i think i will too. emil svensson, sounds lovely.

then i found a book by astrid lindgren at the pocketshop today. the main character's name is emil svensson. absolut cosmicness!!! love the kind we're dreaming of, i say. and the cutest blonde guy at the cashier almost punched in 7,803 kr for my three books as we were talking. haha! we smiled silly-ly at ourselves as i walked out the door.

so many lovely boys. what is wrong with this city?!?! nothing.


Leo said...

You met Emil i Lönneberga? Hahaha

angelf said...

Haha! Yes! Emil's Clever Pig. I can't believe the pig's name is Piggy-Beast!!! Haha It's different in Swedish right? Last night I was reading the part where Emil and the pig and the rooster got so drunk with the fermented cherries and all the hens dropped dead with fright! Hahaha