Wednesday, April 08, 2009

/// svenskmusik

stockholm. smiling on the flygbussarna to the city because the driver says the names of the stop in such a funny way. then plunging into such a scary emptiness, plunging deep. when he didn't answer the phone. that's when i realized... i am lonely. that's what's wrong. i am homesick and lonely. and this city is my city, yes this is home, but without my friends, or my family, or YOU, then it could be just any other city (given a longer span of time). but i don't want to entertain bad thoughts now. i am too emotional for sweden already, as k said. too emo that it's becoming negative. a cycle that i have to break. EMO. yun yun e, EMO. i have to try rational love. so to counterbalance myself, i will write one line per post about sweden that i find ugly, silly, bad or whatnot. haha

three old ladies smiled at me: at max, on the train, on the exit at hallunda (she even waved going down the escalators). what the hell is going on? (it's spring already!!!)

notes to self on paper (by charlie and pål and me): swedish indie cosmic music. my theory about swedish creativity. because we are bored? i'd say quite the contrary. too much creative energy, doesn't want to be bored. popular to this select crowd, not really on radios. but there are so many. underground communities all over the world. how do you know what's pop anymore? i stopped caring a long time ago. johan d. radio dept. secret songs that wasn't there. static lives vs changing seasons. musikskolan. fjordfunk. there is so much more to learn about swedish music. the studio!!!

pål made kladdkaka!

anti-emo love:
swedes are boring, most of them.

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