Monday, September 29, 2008


The German word for today is


I had a very strange dream the other day, it was another end of the world dream again, I use to have a lot of those. This time it took place in UPIS 3-6, with books falling from the ceiling. I got out of the room and found Christian and eventually my mother. I was so happy to see her. We looked for our luggage somewhere in Sunken Garden, it was chaotic but also calm, in a way.

Last night I dreamt of a good friend, C. It was a very good dream, the kind that gives you warm feelings when you wake up and makes you wish it really happened. The feeling kind of stays with you for the first few seconds of waking up. In the dream we were walking, talking and very happy though it was a grey, cloudy day. We hugged each other. 

I skyped with Bryan yesterday and John and Kitsie today. Love circles the world like a satellite, truly. 

Today is Ganseliesel festival so there were a lot of people on Weenderstrasse, eating ice cream, crepes, or  those noodle boxes from the Asian foodhaus. It made my head whirl, vetsin overload haha. H&M coat, wool socks, UHU patafix. Intense longing for my English-language books, Stieg Larsson and being and living in Stockholm again. Bike adventure to Rastenburgerweg, Zwiebelkuchen dinner at Shannon's, Feder Weisen wine, and the horror movie bike ride back to my apartment. The houses are beautifully creepy in an Exorcist kind of way, but I've got Bolywool, Cats on Fire and Suburban Kids with Biblical Names in my ears, so it's fine. :-)

Traum means "dream".


wren said...

hindi phrase of the day

dil me mera de dar de disco

my heart is full of the pain of disco.

replace "disco" with other words such as "macchli" for "fish"!

selena said...

angelf! you have a new coat na? kumusta naman ang camera obscura coat mo? nagamit mo na?

angelf said...

jma: how is india? you have to tell me everything!!! kinikilig ako. and i miss you. :)

my heart is full of the pain of disco, when did you ever have to use that?! hahaha

selena: camera obscura coat rocks! pero bumili narin ako ng black coat sa h&m! gusto ko pa bumili ng jackets kasi ang lamig talaga dito!