Wednesday, February 04, 2009

/// katarina bangata

Hej world!

I can't believe it's almost a week since I got here. I'm in Stockholm, by the way. What! Time flies when you're living in a dream. Rather, time and space does not make sense anymore. I feel like I'm drifting. And restless all the time. My head is always so full of half-baked decisions, hesitant steps, unmade phone calls, unwritten papers.

But K and I have been talking and we decided that this is the doing of my over-hedonistic nature and that we should just listen to my mom and the Sound of Arrows and make the most of it.


The W.O.R.L.D. is full of M.A.G.I.C.!!! Don't stress yourself! Don't plan and scheme! The world is full of wonders that we just haven't seen yet!

M.A.G.I.C. - The Sound of Arrows

Friday last week. I took a taxi in Goettingen, two trains to Berlin and a plane to Stockholm. L was the first person I saw when I came back, waiting for me at the place where we last saw each other. We bought nose sprays, a one-month travel card and take out pizza to celebrate. I love it when he said "Welcome home!" We met AJustice and other friends for Labrador Night at Debaser Medis. The Sound of Arrows was pure magic! I was so surprised. And so happy! The 80's childhood flashback videos, pink and purple balloons, neon lights, dancing! Suburban Kids with Biblical Names was chaotic, but it was still fun. I loved the last song, I think it was Funeral Face.

I love living with L. I love ICA grocery shopping. I love polar bread and evil-milk (0.5%) breakfasts. Learning Swedish through late night comic book reading. Watching depressing movies that doesn't mean anything. Learning how to play chess and being stressed by strategic thinking. I love The Radio Dept's Your Father. Haha! I love walking on Ringvagen spotting the many barberos (många frisör, mga barbero). Saying fjortis to everyone. Watching The Knife and Kings of Convenience videos. I love "Stockholm White" paint. Apotekarnes Julmust at half price. I love eating Ben and Jerry's Half Baked ice cream watching My Blueberry Nights. I love Chinese spring rolls and snabb makaroner. I don't like doing the dishes though (haha).

Last night we went to Eliza's welcome home party. The spinach pancakes and mushrooms were amazing. The conversation too. It was great to see her again. I remember: not wanting to be in India and realizing what she truly wanted was to walk across Vasterbron in the summer. When she said summer, everyone stayed quiet for a minute, with peaceful, far-off looks of longing on their faces. It was like a spell. The memories and the promises of summer. I always get this tingly feeling when someone else says "I love Sweden", especially if Swedes themselves say it. It's like a relief, like I knew all along that I am on the right track.

At the end of the night we bid good bye to her and said "Welcome home." She said to me, "You too."

Tomorrow, I'm going to wake up and I'm going to choose love, and life.

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