Wednesday, February 25, 2009

/// let us be who we are.

what's over there? i said pointing to the west. it's a fields and small towns. and beyond that? france. and beyond that and a bit to the south is where i will be, bilbao.

and on the north? there is hamburg. and the sea. and copenhagen. and malmo, lund, and then stockholm.

to the south? austria, switzerland, italy, the mediterranean. and then africa. and the south pole.

and the east. there's berlin! beyond that? poland. and white russia / belarus. then all the craziness begins. the kazakhstans, india,
vietnam laos cambodia thailand the sea and then, the philippines.

germany. i never thought i'd be here. it's funny how life throws you somewhere, isn't it? i said. it's always strange, sebastian said.

and suddenly on top of albrecht thaer weg no. 12 overlooking goettingen's city night lights, germany and i said good bye as friends.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love this so much angel.