Tuesday, February 17, 2009

/// my swedish best friend

...that is calle, and he never reads my blog. right, calle?

i woke up at 7:55am today because martin said the early bird catches the worm. i ended up holing up in the kitchen, checking email, doing laundry, talking to my mom, my best friend and my closest friend in germany about crazy times (which is now) and finally at 15:00 i went out to clear my head.

i walked from fridhemsplan to hornstull. i was racing to catch the sunset in västerbron. it was freezing cold and i was standing at the middle of the bridge just looking out the most beautiful sunset view in stockholm. the sun directly in front of your eyes, a half frozen lake, water running through the ice cracks. the bridge was shaking and it felt good in a weird but natural way.

i was so cold, i could barely feel my toes. i took the tunnelbana to zinkensdamm and had kladdkaka and hot chocolate at kaffe och drömmar. the barista was blond and very cute and very apologetic because there wasn't enough whipped cream left. we said bye to each other.

i met my swedish best friend in hötorget. we had 14- kr lattes, talked about what has been happening for the past few days. i love just sitting in random coffee shops in the city and making memories that i know i will really miss when i am away from this place. the view outside the window, people walking by, the two cups on the table, calle saying "i could" in a really retarded way to christian on the phone. memories from this city that i love so much. talking about retarded södermalm boys. being content with england and sweden. how seeing the world and india and backpacking are retarded also. luttrad. being an eezteez. "you are my friend right!?!?" how my title as number one fan is being challenged by a japanese girl. haha! "did you make love?" hahaha and walking from hötorget to tekniska högskolan just talking.

"i do admire your belief in people."

1 comment:

Calle said...

Read Angel's blog,