Wednesday, January 07, 2009

/// memory capsule: odenplan


the tunnelbana to odenplan with L to meet musse and zandra. we walked to a cafe and had fika: a coke fika actually. i had lasagna and coke, L had some pasta salad, zandra had some pasta also and coke, musse just had coke as always. :) we talked about the time musse pushed markus in the tunnelbana, finding niklas stromstedt and pouring beer over him, making music videos. we made a list of our favorite sodas. i had two number ones, L had two lists, musse had sublists for cola (that is not coca cola). it's very complicated to rank sodas.

on our way out, an old man sitting near the window asked them in swedish if i was from germany. i was so surprised! i took it as a good sign. musse said it was probably the superior, third reich-y aura emanating from me. :) haha i like that!

i hugged musse outside the cafe. just like everytime we part, not saying goodbye. just like we were going to see each other again the next weekend. that's our rule: no goodbye's. just hej hej's. i watched him and zandra walk away, snow falling from the 4pm sky. he put his arms around her and huddled close. i felt a bit sad seeing him go, knowing it will be a long time before i see him again. i squeezed L's hand.

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