Monday, January 05, 2009

/// winter lighthouse memories

what we have are memories. and the promise of new beginnings. we are in between days, and until then i have these to hold on to. nothing can take these away from me, not fears, not uncertainty, not death, nothing. these memories of winter in stockholm will be mine, in my heart forever and it will be my lighthouse.

by the way, i just found out that classes doesn't start until wednesday. HAHA mr. stein said, are you looking forward to end the semester with a BANG! i'll do it. so i arrived a couple of days early. but it's okay, i have time to adjust from dreamland to deutschland and to write down everything that has happened. i don't want to forget anything. so i'm giving myself these couple of days to never betray the way it's been. :-) and will always be!



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