Saturday, January 03, 2009

/// today will be perfect.

and it was.

if ever there is something that i will take forever into my heart: it is this day. this day will make me brave, and when i go back, i will be able to face anything.

because we woke up early and had the perfect "better than hotels" breakfast at cafe sirap. we had blueberry pancakes, eggs, bacon for me, salad for you. coffee, because we are swedes. and you held my hand and you told me that i could stay.

because we walked high up to observatory hill and "hold your glass up, hold it in. never betray the way you've always known it is!" flew out of your hands and landed on the grass below us. and because of summer.

because of s:t eriksgatan and the funny elevator which speaks like a metro stop voiceover. because our fears and our beliefs and because love (for me) and beauty (for you) will always conquer death. because there is one truth and we could find it.

because of the street art below the bridge that we crossed ("i want to cross bridges! i want to see the water!") and because of my sticker that says GELEO WAS HERE!

because of the 5 SEK records that we bought in that obscure record shop under the bridge, because of that moment at the staircase, because of talking heads.

because of your pesto spinach pasta, svenSKA records and time flying fast (it's 19:48!). 

because we danced to cats on fire's "higher grounds" (my favorite) together at the very front of debaser medis' stage and you carried me up in the air towards the end of the song, while everyone was clapping. "i am so happy." 

because of the laser green lights criss-crossing your face when we were dancing to "in between days".

because we were in between rooms and in between days.

because i won our bet: there IS a vegetarian burger at mc donald's! the evil empire is not so evil after all. it has mc bean. haha!

because you told me that you had no doubts about me being able to do what i need to do, and because you told me that it is just one punch.

because there is summer, because there is finland. 

today is the perfect day. and tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that... will be as well. because of today. 

happy new year you're my only vice, L!


bitsyboop said...

oh, last night wasn't a dream <3

angelf said...

bituin: <3 i miss you. skype tayo?

Anonymous said...

i don't know who L is and don't even know where in sweden you are exactly, but i was tear-eyed while reading your blog, so happy for you angela! :)

selena said...

in the picture, you are looking at the camera but he can't take his eyes off you.

Anonymous said...

And it was! And you write very crazy good! I remember everything, strange things(...), planning and lack of planning and you!

angelf said...

Leo! :) Let's never forget this day! And there will be plenty more perfect days! :) Kram!