Wednesday, January 21, 2009

/// you are the light!

a very very very good day today.

woke up feeling sad but managed to get up and go outside. i talked to frau e. and was really surprised when she told me: you have strong pieces inside of you. someone i really like also said almost the same thing to me.

a surprise email in the morning!

meeting B outside the VG to give him his whale drawing and choco crunchies. this is unreal! oh this hurts! and laughing all the time. talking about trips to kalmar when he was 12, systembolaget, stanford and sweden dreams, "in the end i'll find out you're one of the smart ones", "pressing our thumbs" for stanford and sweden, those serious germans, skipping moby. in case i don't see you, i will always remember you whenever i open my book. a long handshake, a great big hug in the middle of platz der gottinger sieben. you weigh nothing! you're so tall! no goodbyes. see you later!

drinking milchkaffee alone, really happy, standing on one of the stone benches facing the square, watching the sunset.

reading L's email at the wiso with a great big smile on my face. it's always like christmas whenever i hear from him. <3

sitting next to emilie at the wiso, sneaking into this mathboy's laptop and typing in her address at googlemaps. hahaha! those boring germans!

hanging out with christine and jia, buying belle and sebastian merchandise, giving away my clothes and shoes. i am so happy jia loves them! dancing to jens lekman's you are the light.

i love you!

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