Saturday, January 17, 2009

/// psl med jenny och jane : like dylan in the movies

pick up that guitar and do the thing that you've always wanted to do all your life.
let go of your worries.

this is me and christine today, and i think this video would make me cry when i watch it back, a few months from now, when i am in a different place, a different time. winter in goettingen, not exactly the best time of my life but there are beautiful moments to look back to like today's:

breakfasts at christine's - drinking coca cola in wine glasses, iced tea, cornflakes, bread with quark, tea. listening to records with her. what a comfort just to sink down to your favorite songs with someone. today it was the shins. the shins and painting walls white! asian take out noodles. watching PSL videos and falling in love with stockholm all over again. crying to tigermilk's story, just because it's so beautiful and it reminds me of you. it can only get better and it will! there will be guitars involved and dormant dreams are going to come true.

we are going to make the most out of the remaining days in goettingen. we will be happy! and then it would be good bye to this town of ski jackets, zero creativity and fraternity boys. 

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