Thursday, May 28, 2009


it was strange being back after 5 years. the airport looked the same, but the streets and everything else felt so new. cosmichappystrangeness! listening to MBV on the aerobus to the city, sun shining. when i saw the starbucks near plaza catalunya, i felt really giddy and excited and hahaha i'm going to make joseba so jealous. it was the first thing that i did on arriving: straight to starbucks and mocha frappucino goodness. after almost 9 months! jezuz it felt so good. now i'm at the hostel. it smells weird here but tomorrow, i'll be at a really really nice hotel which is the SHITZZZ!

what to do what to do until tonight???

i realized during takeoff that i am happy: going here and going back. i can't wait to see my favorite bands. and i can't wait to be back in bilbao again and see you, you and you. and i realized that that's happiness: finding the balance between those two places. the place you're leaving (and returning) and the place you're going to.


Gra-ke said...

Barcelona memories... ken of f4 and that place full of decorated tiles...


ander said...

"that's happiness: finding the balance between those two places. the place you're leaving (and returning) and the place you're going to. "

nice sentence, that's true!

are you going alone to bcn? you're brave, i'd like to do the same someday... enjoy primavera, and sorry for my poor english!


angelf said...

grake: ken tiles :) it was closed when i went there again! i miss panxut.

ander: yes, i went to bcn alone. it was wonderful. :) and your english is perfect! :)