Monday, May 11, 2009

/// something in the air

something changed yesterday. it was so warm and humid, almost like manila. is it... summer? today it's 23 degrees and it's my first time to go outside in europe with just a sweater on. i've been watching the lord of the rings trilogy for the past few days and yesterday i've finished the return of the king. as gandalf always says, everything comes to pass. even shadow has to give way to light.


Arrate said...

When Bilbao feels warm, it's because a lovely storm is waiting!
Anyway, it was nice to see the rainbow today. The sun is slowly coming, get ready for it :D

angelf said...

i was so surprised (in a nice way) when the "storm" came! i haven't heard the thunder for half a year i think!

light is coming. frodo is getting closer to mordor with each passing day! :) the king will return!!! haha