Sunday, May 10, 2009

/// mina vänner

/// i love these two. bursts of sunshine in bilbao's rainy skies. last night, l-mono at the end of the world, norsk metal, lofts and paron ciders, walking along bilbao's industrial area holding systemet plastic bags, being extremely happy when i heard of the secret plan, kas and vodka, being a funny chinese talk show star, "she is always eating!", bodyguards and friends, sitting in front of the stage and sharing stories, POP TIME!!! joseba and arrate and the crazy asian forever! heart! ///


Leo said...

coolt! Men varför systemet??

angelf said...

ja, det är det!
well not exactly systemet... more like ikea. haha! can you believe it!? they sell paron cider there! but i still have my purple systemet bags, so i used them transporting the ciders... very stockholm style, don't you think? hahaha!