Saturday, October 25, 2008

/// der Arzt / Läkarn

Anja and Philipp's moving-in fiesta. Sitting on the floor getting a hypochondria attack when Anja's friend from medschool and I were playing a game with Anja's medical anatomy flashcards. She said that I shouldn't worry because there can only be two things:

A. You will learn about it early on and then something can be done.
B. It's too late and then you die.

I knew somehow that somewhere between those lines, I could begin to understand the inner workings of his mind and his heart. He will become the best doctor someday.

And I wonder if there is a middle ground on those two things.

For that second I understood it: don't worry, don't waste your time being scared. Would you rather die in the end with all your time spent on this life worrying, or just... enjoy and live! But just for that second. Why do I always find it hard to believe in this statement that countless people have already told me? I think because I have a problem with the dying part. Anyway, the message: Your body works, you have good cells that will fight the bad cells!!! You are healthy, sharks in your bloodstream that will eat away the bad cells, like the cancer patients who survive because of that sharkthought. And this courage should filter out to all aspects of your life as well. "Your core bravery filtering out to EVERYTHING!"

On being detached emotionally as a doctor: "Do your best, hope for the best and then cut it off!"

I have this on-off relationship with fear, and I hope I can just be brave all the time.

I always keep meeting doctors and would-be doctors in my life. Maybe they are trying to tell me something.

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