Monday, October 13, 2008

/// tomorrow, my friend...

I went to see EF in Münster last Saturday. I just followed my heart, jumped on a train (four actually) to Elze, Löhne, got off the wrong stop at Heessen, Hamm and finally, Münster. I needed music, something that I can always feel at home to. It will never be explained in words, why I follow music. I just need to. Like he said, it turns knobs in my head, and makes me cry.

And it did!

EF was amazing. Splendid. Soaring to great heights! I've never seen anything like their set before. I've listened to them and loved them but hearing them live is a totally different experience. All those thoughts running around my head... I was standing before the bassist who I've never seen before (not even in pictures, I don't know why). When he walked in the stage, I fell in love immediately. During the whole set, I was his, totally, completely. And I felt really sad, listening to them, watching him - I want to be in love, to be loved, but what do I have to give? To this boy, real, standing in front of me.

I've got nothing but fears, preoccupations with myself. I just can't think of anything at that moment, to give.

I felt so far from myself. So strange to have those thoughts.

And when all of them were screaming in the middle of the set (at "Bear" I think), I cried. I couldn't help it, it was so beautiful. Him and his quiet way of moving and suddenly all this screaming and he can feel all of THIS!

Soaring heights, and how everything must be felt, of only every feeling was this raw and powerful and glorious and beautiful and real.

White strobe lights, cut, cut, cut, leaning, falling down, eyes to the sky.

And the encore was, surprise, "Tomorrow, my friend..."

After the set, I got to talk with Niklas who is the sweetest, nicest guy ever. A sore throat, posters, black markers, Gothenburg, Lulea, stick around, Beck's, coat, leaving already and the best hug ever. It was so nice to see you. Walk safe. Maybe we'll see each other in Sweden.

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