Thursday, October 02, 2008

last night i felt your heartbeat / and it felt like coming home

wow. i dreamt of you last night, finally, after so many empty nights. it was beautiful, it was a big relief to see you again.

you still loved me but you were hiding and didn't want to show it. you were living in my brother's house in manila, on the next street from where i lived. in your room, there was a stack of polaroids around two inches high with just the same picture of my best friend, me and you. it felt like a great big hug seeing those pictures. i was right all along! i never lost faith in you. while i was walking around the room, a voice was speaking to me in my head: he still loves you, angel.

i felt it, right to my core. it felt so good waking up. everything is going to be alright.

i think i willed you in my dreams. just before i went to sleep i was talking to you in my head, just saying good night and reassuring you of your dreams and that you can become whoever you want to be. that you shouldn't worry. i don't know why i said that, but it felt so right and comforting and i drifted to sleep soon, and to you...

dreams are real because they exist.

Stockholm, July 2008.

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