Thursday, October 09, 2008

/// second day

lunch time. "are you coming?"

christine and i walked from the mensa am turm to the id card stations to the coffee shop. grey coats, yellow leaves, fall, away away from them. she looks up to grey skies, sighs, buttons up her coat.

we got coffee and tea, an apple too. sat down on one of the chairs by the bar. we talked about cities, how big and small they are, manila, hamburg. being an only child, having siblings. her stolen bike. travelling alone, couchsurfing, scandinavia. how she went to denmark as a child and not remembering anything but remembering that she loves it there. the radio department (the first person in germany who knows them!) in a compilation cd. and our common insecurities about the class and speaking in front of an audience.

just knowing that someone feels the same way as you makes everything a lot better.

i looked around the coffeeshop and sighed.

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