Monday, October 06, 2008

/// inní mér syngur vitleysingur

biking on the way to my first day of classes, i was listening to this song and smiling. zig zagging across the cold 8:45 morning. it is a new day. 

it could be joy.

i woke up when bryan was about to go to sleep. we are the dream police. we keep watch of one another. many miles from where i'm sleeping.

we are 21, half germans, half others. haha it was a long day of sitting in classrooms, a uni tour, waiting in the mensa, waiting in the coffee shop, dinner at an african restaurant and it is going to be busy and tight - our schedule comprises of complicated lectures and evening classes jammed tight in a three-month semester. challenging! challenging! 

i made friends with mikael, the only swede in our class. (!) we got along really well, also with alex (brazil), rahul (india), teresa (germany). we are, like, the cool crowd. listening to swedish music, standing outside the coffee shop. hahaha loser! triangle! unicorn! moose! 

he's really funny, making fun of the danes and pretending to speak icelandic by adding uhrrrs to everything that he says. we walked back together and it was so nice to talk with someone who understands (of course) my strange love for sweden and to be able to talk about midsummer and potatoes and systembolaget. he said, well you have to be away from something to realize what its real worth is, or something like that. like maybe i will feel that way about manila someday. he said it's so hard to explain why he likes sweden: home is home. i asked him, do you love sweden? he said yes and i said I AM SO HAPPY TO HEAR THAT! hahaha 

"i will make you into the closest swede that you can be!"

we waved goodbye to each other at kreuzbergring, me going to the right, he to the left.
puss puss kram kram! i said.
puss-uhrrr kram-uhrrr! he said.

i biked home, grey, foggy night, 9:45pm listening to this song, smiling.

it could be joy.