Monday, October 13, 2008

/// we will always be in love

Such a glorious, beautiful day today. And it's still not over!

I'm wearing my new EF shirt, I talked with mom on Skype, went to my first class with the dean of Theology who turned out to be very, very nice. 

We just spent the whole session introducing ourselves and just hearing him ask questions about ourselves, and his story about growing up in post-war Germany in this really easy-going and relaxed manner made me so at ease. I don't know... Insecurities, doubts and bad feelings were just suddenly gone. And hearing the big guy in class who sounds really smart say that he thinks he feels that he wouldn't do well in this programme (what) and the dean saying that that is a really important feeling, encouraged me. Yes, this fear and anxieties are important feelings, and they are there so I will learn more about myself.

He asked all of us why we are there and I said that I wanted to develop myself. He burst in joyful laughter when I told him my name, and said "Ahhh, that explains your name" with a smile when I said I came from the Philippines. And "Half of his heart is American" made me think about my own heart and Sweden and how must it look like. And "Don't be afraid. It must ENCOURAGE YOU."

My classmates and I ate at the central Mensa, I sat next to Christine and she told me she has been listening to Stars because I reminded her of it. I told her about my Muenster and EF and Sigur Ros. The sun was so incredibly beautiful. I biked home with Stars' Set Yourself On Fire.

I'm wearing my EF shirt, the sun's out and I will take pictures outside and go grocery shopping with Christine. Tschussssss!

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